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This Wheel's On Fire

As Bob Dylan once penned; “This wheel’s on fire, rolling down the road”. Ok, so he might not have been referring to the fiery destruction of plastic wheelie bins but the quote seems pertinent nonetheless. In the last 24 hours the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service have attended 9 fires in which wheelie bins had been set alight. All the incidents are suspected arson and are just a few of the many wheelie bin arson incidents that have occurred across the UK so far this year.

Ian Mullen of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service said: “Ten fire appliances were tied up on these call outs.”

“If fire appliances are dealing with deliberate fires...they may be unavailable for an emergency where someone is in need of being rescued.”

Woody the Wheelie Bin gave an exasperated reaction upon hearing the news: “When will these people learn! Not only are they placing themselves in grave and immediate danger but also the residents in the streets where these poor wheelie bins are stored. Wheelie bins burn at incredibly hot temperatures and have been known to catch fire to houses and cars.”

Woody will be attending a private memorial service next week in remembrance of the wheelie bins that were senselessly destroyed. He has again reiterated the need for people to leave their wheelie bins outside their property only on the day of collection and not to leave them next doors or windows.

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